2 product(s) found for "Jaundice Fluids"
  • Capital Series
    Capital Series "FLUSH"
    An Excellent Chemical From Our Sister Company: Arlington Chemicals! Chemical Index 12: 12 Bottles (Quarts) Per Case: AN ARTERIAL FLUID FOR JAUNDICED CONDITIONS: An Arterial Fluid for jaundiced conditions and discolorations caused by some drugs. A complete Arterial fluid without cosmetic dyes does not have to be combined with other chemicals prior to injection. Literally flushes the arterial system. When used according to directions, preserves without creating a green coloration. Cosmetizing may be...
  • Jaundochrome Arterial
    Jaundochrome Arterial
    Chemical Index 20: 24 Bottles (16-oz) Per Case: Jaundochrome is a phenol based embalming chemical which uses the bleaching properties of "phenol" to reduce the yellow-to-green discoloration associated with jaundice. It is a medium index arterial chemical that allows for the gradual adjustment of preservative demand, and contains a moderate amount of dye to help restore the normal redness of the tissue. It also contains other cosmetics that help mask the discoloration normally associated with Jaundice....

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