Dropsytone Edema Fluid

$0.01 inc. tax
Chemical Index N/A:  (24 Bottles (16-oz) Per Case:
The modern embalmer today is confronted often with edema cases (that is bodies that are swollen with fluids).  As more families elect to have loved ones lives pro-longed on life support equipment, the end result for the embalmer in a lot of cases is a body that is swollen and unrecognizable.  Another common cause of edema is diabetes and kidney failure. Regardless of the source, Bondol Labs, Inc. has a chemical that can aid the embalmer in these situations, and allow a favorable presentation of the remains to the family.

Bondol's  Dropsytone  Edema chemical  is  a  unique formulation of continued research. Its special blend of agents creates a product that draws excess moisture from the tissue upon arterial or preparatory chemical injection.  Dropystone will reduce swelling without wrinkling in most cases and leave an appearance that will be appreciated by your families.  The praise and accolades of Dropsytone has been stated by many embalmers.

A Procedure For Using Dropsytone Edema Fluid:
-  Mix one bottle (16 ounces) of Dropsytone with the chemical used first by the embalmer Some embalmers use an "anti-coagulant" chemicals first, while others use an arterial chemical first.

- Perform your remaining injections that you normally do. For heavy bodies  and "floaters"  add 4  ounces  of  Dropsytone  to  your remaining injections.   Bondol recommends either of the following chemicals depending on the situation and the embalmer's preference for these types of cases:

S.T. 39 Arterial (30
Aids-O-Dvne Arterial (36 index)
Prot-O-Balm Arterial 
(36 index)
Hercules Arterial (45 index)

-  Perform your  normal  cavity  treatment.  However,  if possible do not aspirate the body for at least 12  hours for the best results.    Because Dropsytone works on tissue, this will allow the chemical to dry and remove the excess water to the cavity area.

-  Aspirate the body thoroughly (especially the throat area for head swellings).

 Other  Uses:
-  Dampen cotton and place first in the nose and throat areas to help control purge.


Please call your salesman to ask questions; or call Bondol Labs at 1-800-635-7334. Your business is appreciated at Bondol Labs!

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Product Condition: New
Product Code: v5iOwxJ
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